Sitting on the floor in my living room doing nothing on a Tuesday, when I am totally free of assignments and work got me into the drive of writing or more like blogging. Unfortunately I found myself staring at a blinking cursor urging me to at least type something but i am failing it.
Why does this happen to me ever so often when i love writing, when i am a person who can be said to be married to her emotions, when i am affected by everything around me, be it nature, the way people act, human nature and what nots and yet i find myself facing a blank white space not knowing what to write but have about a gazillion thoughts at the moment? Before I started this page i visited a cousin's blog and i admire the way she writes, the fact that she never let her blog down for almost everyday there is an entry and mine is left outdated and dry. I read that a writer should not care about what he or she should write for his audience, what they would like to read or would enjoy but to just write about anything I fancy and enjoy doing so. Do i think too much? Is this the cause of my writer's block? I may not know how many people actually visits my blog but i want to give them something to read, something to learn about, a piece of me...
Therefore as a solution, i went to my ever trustable friend, wikipedia! to just look up what exactly is a writer's block and how it can be cured and whoa am i surprise to find the results. Let me enlighten you:-
*A writer's block is a phenomenon involving temporary loss of the ability to continue writing, usually due to lack of inspiration or creativity. ( Well that is understood by most of us)
*Writer's block can be closely related to DEPRESSION or ANXIETY! ( which i am!! gosh)
* Henry Roth had a writer's block which lasted for 60 years! which was most prob caused by depression, political problems and an unwillingness to confront past problems!! ( gosh it has me written all over it)
1.Setting a time and write whatever that comes, without stopping for some time
2. Taking a break, meditation,or doing relaxing excersices to relieve any pressure on oneself
3. Doing something out of the ordinary. Try to spark something from somewhere new.
4.Only turn to the writing after a day or two.
Well there are more solutions but things that i know for sure i would not follow due to my laziness and hard headness...=)
Oh voila!!! An entry!!! lol... Im not that stuck after all... Still hoping to be able to blog much more readable entries! Wish me luck!!
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