Ok I admit I do not have the time to blog plus the internet at my house was cut therefore I decided to entertain people (for now) with cute video's I come across in Youtube!!! Just for fun....But I promise I will start writing entries as soon as my internship report is handed in! For now just enjoy the video's...
Here is something Sneha, my friend would call a mitten...She was extremely crazy over this video...lol...But isn't it cute?!! I just wanna put it in my palm and cuddle it!!! I WANT A PET!!!
Friday, January 19, 2007
As Sneha would call it "MITTEN!!!!"
Another something by Yours truly at 2:44 PM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
~Protect Yourself~
You know how there are so many safe sex advertisements around us trying to outdo each other to get to the thick heads of teenagers? Well do they actually make an impact or an impressions on you? Not really.... Some are so dull!!! Unprotected sex may lead to aids and to pregnancy then your not only ruining your life but the life of an innocent child also...LOL like we do not know already...
We teens nowadays are something like a new found breed of humans... You tell us something, we go and do the exact opposite!! Isn't that amazing? We are hard headed and stubborn and if you want to get to us THERE IS A WAY!! ( all hope is not loss). An example...
Ok except for the gay part but hey who says that being gay is wrong now?!! Just that, this particular video is for them and not everyone... But they have the same meaning which is safe sex would prevent AIDS!!! Listen up kids!!! lol....
Just love how they did it...Funny, comical and yet educational...Listen to the song itself!!!
Another something by Yours truly at 2:48 PM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
~Now everybody go AwWwww ~
I am sure everyone is familiar with the Cuppycake song sang by a young little girl? It was so adorable!!! Well i was just browsing and look what I stumble upon!!!
Isn't she cute?!! Celebrity in the making. So now everybody let's go awWWwwww!!! hehe
Another something by Yours truly at 1:17 PM
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
~Something I took On~
Pool is all about skills, and I can't say that I have mastered them. I am nowhere near it actually. I play pool with my luck and my gut feeling!!! Yea gut feeling!!! Well sometimes I get very lucky and everything goes the way i want to and sometimes....
Lol but that does not mean I suck at playing pool. I do get lucky very often. I might even pass off as knowing what i am doing...lol Nway I do know what I am doing. Cheh when I am on a streak, sometimes I pocket in all the balls and left the single 8 black ball on the table, I am this close to victory, I take my position, bend down and aim, slide my cue stick back slowly and....
Haha...an unlucky one... This often happen to me... But hey I do not suck at pool ok!!! Wanna try me?? Come la!!! hahaha...
Nway just for laugh...Have a nice day
Another something by Yours truly at 5:27 PM
Monday, January 08, 2007
The GO Internatinal Group Family Dinner
My first company's annual dinner, well since there are so few of us we prefer to call it our family reunion dinner!! We were all so busy for Christmass, then had the event for NYE therefore we only had time for our family dinner last Friday. A simple Chinese meal at "Paris"...
Our Chinese meal
Me and the scary huge pig trotters
Edwin and Nikki
Jaz and Caren
Table filled with gifts!!
Like every year and everywhere it has become like a tradition to have a secret santa where people would draw lots and buy a gift for the person whose name is on the paper you drew. You would then become the secret santa for that person. Aw...so sweet... so our company did that too...I was the secret santa for Caren and Julya was the secret santa for me!!!
My gifts from Nikki and Jasmine
Oh btw i forgot to take a pic of the present Julya gave me, its the pink wrapper that looks like a scroll. I got a bracelet and matching earrings from her!!
Nikki got two mini measuring tape from Edwin for her crazy interest in measuring things...and no not THAT kinda things.
Jasmine took the other measuring tape which only can go 8 inches the longest and was amused by it. Now they are talking about THAT thing!!! Lol...During dinner i know!!!
Nikki also got a red thong from Edwin which was nicely folded in the petals of a rose. Looks really nice coz at first sight it looks like a rose only and then to find out that a naughty thong is hiding in it.
Everyone was very amused by it
Family pic!! From top: Edwin, me, Caren Sitting: Nikki, Jasmine and Julya
My family during my two months of internship....
Another something by Yours truly at 2:12 PM
Friday, January 05, 2007
~ Farewell to 2006~
Well I have nothing to say about the New Year's Eve celebration so I will let the pictures say for themselves.
The crazy crowd
Among the people present! Thanks for coming guys!!
Zhi, Kum Yeen, Eli all the way from Ipoh!
Check out the ones in blue and green! They are hot!
I am ashame as a gal =P
Jigle Jigle Carnaval Style
The emcee's for the night Jaz and Freda
Shake it Eli!!! So sporting of her!!
Round 2 of Sexy Divas!!
Check out the crowd!
Baby and me
A shy Caren, me and Julya my colleagues
I found my dance partner!!!
~Friends Forever~
Attention!! Diva spotted! =P
That's about what sums up my New Year! Had a great time!! Colourful 2007!!!
Another something by Yours truly at 1:36 PM
Thursday, January 04, 2007
~Back in the office~
A million thanks to B for taking care of me....I could barely move what more take care of myself...Felt so weak that i had to take an mc for wednesday...Rested well but when it came to Wednesday night, I COULDN'T sleep!!! Only slept at 7 then i had to get up to go to work!!!! Darn tired now while typing away to get my mind working.... Body feels like it weights 10,000 kilos... and my eyes would not open if it is not forced to... So so tired! COmpany's dinner tomorrow and we have this secret santa thing which reminds me I have not gotten the present for the dinner!! darn it!! I need sleept!!! Might just take a nappa while noone is here!!
p/s: SHIT!!!! I lost my radio on NYE!!!! Someone nicked it.!! Gimme back!!! it was a good radio!!! Sniff sniff
Another something by Yours truly at 11:41 AM