Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My very first Interview Meeting!!!

Woke up today thinking it is going to be just another day at work, dragged my butt of bed, showered and went to the office. Did some work for an hour or so and then *shocker* my colleague asked me to join her for an interview meeting between The Star and DisTech at Trader Hotel!!!

It is really new and just established in the month of July 2006! Situated in the heart of KL and overlooking the KLCC Park. It seems they had no problem in manpower for when we reached, there were a few hotel workers greeting us at the door and no I do not mean the doorman, they were just standing around greeting you and welcoming you. Even guided us to the lift and took us to our destination.

We met up with the DisTech’s CEO and went to a very grand restaurant and to the lounge. Unfortunately my phone’s software went “kaput” so I cant take any pictures of the place. I felt really grand going to the lounge and actually sitting around having a business meeting. Drinks were ordered and FYI it was on the CEO’s tab!! Hehe… I was so excited, this is as close as I can get working with business professionals for the first time! Things were discussed as I listened intently, contact cards were exchange and I had a kickstart collecting my contacts of my own!!

It was a great experience and I hope there will be more to come! This is way better then sitting around the office, facing the computer screen drying up my eyes, typing away!!



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